1. In each of the following questions write TRUE for correct statement and FALSE for incorrect statement. 

a. A biology laboratory is a place where biological experiments are conducted ………………………………. 
b. Everything in the laboratory can be tasted ……………… 
c. Warning signs can help someone to avoid accident in the laboratory ………………………………………………... 

2. One of the following is not a basic quality of the biology laboratory. 
a. Working benches 
b. Large windows and big space 
c. Supply of gas, electricity and water 
d. Kitchen 

3. Substances which may catch fire easily are said to be 
a. Toxic 
b. Flammable 
c. Explosive 
d. Irritant 

4. An instrument used to measure temperature of the body is called 
a. Chemical balance 
b. Measuring cylinder 
c. Thermometer 
d. Barometer 

5. One of the following is a common reagent used in the biology laboratory 
a. Benedict's solution 
b. Potassium iodide 
c. Sodium acetate 
d. Barium chloride 

6. Which of the following list of instruments is not related to biology laboratory? 
a. Fridge, a pair of scissors, surgical blades 
b. Microscope, test tube, thermometer 
c. Dissecting kit, scalpel, beaker 
d. Meter bridge, pendulum bob and burette.

7. The warning sign shown indicates 
a. Explosive substance 
b. Oxidizing agent 
c. Flammable substance 
d. Corrosive substance

8. Match the items in list A with the corresponding items in list B. 

1.Used for placing specimen during dissection 
2.An apparatus used for stirring solution 
3.A substance which accelerates burning 
4.Do not play or run in the laboratory 
5.A common reagent in the biology laboratory

a.Laboratory rule 
c.Sudan III 
d.Dissecting kit 
e.Glass rod 

9. What do you understand by the following terms? 
b.Warning sign

10. Draw warning signs which may be used in bottles carrying a substance which is 

11. List down any six (6) laboratory rules State the use of the following apparatus 
a.Specimen bottles 
b.Test tube holders 
c.Beam balance 
e.Mortar and pestle 

12. Draw the following apparatus: 
a.Measuring cylinder 
b.Mortar and pestle 
d.Tripod stand.