
This is a state of physical, mental and social well being. It involves more than just the absence of disease. A truly health person not only feels good physically but also has a realistic outlook on life and gets along well with other people.

Physical Health.

Elements of physical health
  • Nutrition:Balanced diet provides all the food substances needed by the body for health growth and development. 
  • Exercise:Exercises help to keep the body healthy and fit. Vigorous exercises strengthen muscles and improve the function of the circulatory and respiratory system.Physical fitness benefits both physical and mental health and helps the body to withstand stress. 
  • Rest and sleep:Help to overcome fatigue and restore energy to the body. Everyone needs rest and sleep, Rest and relaxation are as important as sleep. After strenuous work or exercise a person may need a period of total rest. 
  • Cleanliness:Cleanliness prevents the growth of bacteria and other germs that can cause diseases. A regular bath or shower keeps the body free from dirt and odour. It also helps to prevent skin infections. 
  • Medical and dental care:Regular check ups by dentist and physician play an important role in safeguarding health. Doctors recommend that people seek medical care at first sign of illness. Early care can result in quicker cure and lower medical costs. 
  • Avoiding risk behaviours:Careful observation over a range of lifestyle factors indicate that positive changes can bring about corresponding change in health status Risk behaviours that need to be avoided include: Smoking: cigarette smoking increases respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and increases risk of death from lung cancer and heart attack; Alcoholism: heavy, long term drinking has several effects on the body. It affects nervous system, cause liver disease (cirrhosis), etc; Drug abuse: drugs can cause addiction, long term harmful effects, disruption of normal life and some can lead to death. 

Mental Health.

Mental health is as important as physical health and to a great extent depends on it.

Elements of mental health;

Emotional development

Experiences  during  childhood  strongly  influence  a  person's  mental  health  throughout  life. Children remain dependent for many years. At this period they learn certain guidelines for relating to other people. Thus children develop the knowledge necessary to deal with difficult situations in life. This knowledge helps them maintain good mental health throughout life.

Emotional development does not end when a person reaches adulthood. An individual's mental health continues to change from time to time. These changes result from daily circumstances that cause either pleasure or pain to the person.

Handling stress

Stress handling is essential for avoiding both mental and physical illness. Feelings of stress are the  body's  response  to  any  threatening  or  unfamiliar  situation. 

Causes  of  stresses  include  the following:

  • Most severe stress may result from divorce or loss of job. 
  • Stress can also occur even in pleasant situations such as: Watching a football game, Waiting for a lovely one to return from a trip, etc. 

If not handled properly stress can lead to
  • Physical or emotional illness 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Stomach ulcers 

No one can avoid stress but certain things that can be done to lessen it include:
  • Regular exercises and sufficient sleep strengthens the body resistance to stress 
  • Relax by resting 
  • Taking a walk 
  • Meditating 
  • Working with hobby 

Social relationships

Close personal relationships with friends and relatives provide opportunities for communication, sharing and emotional growth.Such relationships also provide strength and support for dealing with challenging situations or personal problems.

Importance of good health

  1. Enables people to enjoy life and have opportunity to achieve their goals. 
  2. Sets someone free from attack by diseases. 
  3. Enables people to work effectively and efficiently. 
  4. Good health helps people to participate in social issues. 
  5. Enables mothers to deliver healthy babies. 
  6. Raises the family economy which in turn ensures peace and security within the family and the surrounding community.