Density and Relative Density

The Density of a substance 
This is its mass per unit volume.

The unit of density is kg/mˆ3. Other unit used is g/cmˆ3.Density of regular solid object can easily be found by direct and easy measurements.-It involves measuring the mass and calculating the volume.

Relative Density
The Relative density of a substance is the ratio of its density to the density of water.

The density of water has the density of approximately 1.0g/cm³ or 1000kg/m³.

Note: Since the density of pure water is 1g/cm³, the RD of a substance will be represented by the same number as its density in g/cm³.RD has no units as its ratio of same quantities.

Applications of Density and Relative Density in Real Life

1. It is the key factor which is considered during the design of various structures and equipment. Eg. ships and planes.

2. Density is considered during the selection of materials.

3. Density is also considered during the design of equipment used in swimming.