The Biology Laboratory

A biology laboratory is a room or building specially designed for carrying out biological experiments.

A biology laboratory has: 

1.Large windows and big space to allow enough air and light for better ventilation and visibility respectively. 

2.Shelves – for keeping chemicals, specimens, apparatus and models. 

3.Supply of gas, electricity and water.
4.Working benches.
5.An emergence door in case of danger occurs. 

6.Preparation room. 

The biology laboratory rules

Biology laboratory has sophisticated instruments which need to be handled with special care. Chemicals which are being used are potentially harmful and they need a special attention when working with them. 

The following laboratory rules should be adhered to:

1.Don't enter in the laboratory without permission from the teacher or laboratory technician.

2.Do not play, or run unnecessarily in the laboratory.

3.Do not eat or drink in the laboratory. 

4.Do not use chemicals or handle apparatus or specimens without instruction from the teacher or laboratory technician. 

5.Any accident or damage of apparatus must be reported. 

6.Label chemicals and specimens to avoid confusion. 

7.Always keep flammable substances away from flames. 

8.Turn off water and gas taps after use. 

9.Never point the open end of the test tube to your fellow or yourself when heating. 

10.Never smell substances, specimens, chemicals or gases directly. 

11.Wash your hands with soap after the experiment. 

12.Clean the apparatus and benches after the experiment. 

13.Return the apparatus and chemicals to their normal position after use. 

The Difference between the Biology Laboratory from other School Facilities: 

Dissecting kits
Models of different organs and systems
Refrigerators and ovens for storing and drying specimens
Animal keeping units
Chemicals designed for biological experiments
Preserved specimens of living things
Gases, electricity and water supply.