The Preventive and Control Measures of HIV/AIDs, STIs and STDs.

  • Use the ABC method to prevent the disease: A-Abstain from sex B- Be faithful to your only partner C- use Condom. This means that you are advised to abstain completely from sexual intercourse. If you can't then have one faithful partner and if this seems to be difficult then use condoms. 
  • Avoid sharing sharp tools with the infected individuals. 
  • Blood transfusion should be done prior to HIV screening. 
  • Pregnant mothers should attend clinic so that they get treatment that will prevent HIV transmission from the mother to the baby. 
  • Avoid all the risk behaviors, situations and practices that may enhance HIV transmission. The risk behaviors include drug abuse, prostitution, rape, anal sex, oral sex, alcoholism, unsafe sex, roaming in bars, guest house, etc. 

Management of STIs and HIV/AIDs

Risky behaviors can be avoided by:

a. Practicing safe sex.

b. Applying non- penetrative sex e.g. kissing, hugging, etc.

c. Delaying technique e.g. I'm required at home just now let's meet tomorrow.

d. Discouraging/negative words e.g. I'm HIV positive.

e. Discouraging peer pressure.

f. Engaging in sports and games which distract one's mind from concentrating to sex.

g. Showing a sense of dislike to express the way you are by wearing T-shirts, caps with various messages e.g. say no to sex, practice safe sex, Mimi nimepima, wewe je?, AIDS kills etc.


Necessary Skills for Avoiding Risky Behaviors, Practices and Situations.

So far there is no cure for HIV/AIDS, but treatment is available.

However, the disease can be prevented by the following ways:

1.Avoid sexual intercourse. It is possible to live a healthy normal life without having sexual intercourse.

2.Use a condom correctly every time you have vaginal sex. It is often hard to be sure that your partner is truly faithful and unaffected.

3.Avoid multiple partners. Don't have more that one sexual partner.

4.Avoid alcohol and drug abuse as they affect your decision making ability thus leading you to unsafe sex.

5.Avoid sharing needles and other skin piercing tools. Needles can be contaminated and HIV can survive in a syringe for a month or longer.

6.Avoid contracting other STIs because they increase the chances of HIV and AIDS infection. For those who have been infected, they must get proper treatment from a qualified medical practitioner.

7.Avoid risky behaviors such as going to nightclubs, negative peer pressure and taking alcohol or drug abuse. These might put you in danger of being infected.

8.Prevent mother to child transmission by: 
                            (a) counselling and treating the mother; 
                            (b) using caesarean section as a mode of delivery;
                            (c) use of alternative feeding (milk) instead of breastfeeding; and 
                            (d) not sharing breast milk.

9.Prevent transmission through organ and tissue transplants by screening both the donor and the patient.

10.Prevent minor injuries which might lead to infection. 
This can be achieved through:
                            (a) use of gloves; 
                            (b) use of sterile instruments; 
                            (c) avoiding direct contact with contaminated body fluids;
                            (d) proper handling of contaminated human waste; and 
                            (e) decontaminating soiled surfaces and lined.

11.Effective treatment of the infected through: 
                            (a) administering antiretroviral therapy; and 
                            (b) prompt treatment of opportunistic infections.